Using multiple cursors allows you to edit multiple parts of the document at once, greatly improving your productivity.
Box Selection - ⇧↓, ⇧→, ⇧↑, ⇧← to select a block of text. ⇧⌥ while selecting text with the mouse or drag-select using the middle mouse button.
Add a cursor - ⌥⌘↑ to add a new cursor above, or ⌥⌘↓ to add a new cursor below. You can also use your mouse with ⌥+Click to add a cursor anywhere.
Create cursors on all occurrences of a string - select one instance of a string e.g. background-color and press ⇧⌘L. Now you can replace all instances by simply typing.
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#p1 { background-color: #ff0000; } /* red in HEX format */ #p2 { background-color: hsl(120, 100%, 50%); } /* green in HSL format */ #p3 { background-color: rgba(0, 4, 255, 0.733); } /* blue with alpha channel in RGBA format */